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The NDEAM Recap
National Disability Employment Awareness Month marks one of the most important times of the year for WTI. Work to Include team members participated in a month-long observance in October to raise awareness of the many resources and types of jobs employees with various disabilities hold in the workforce.
Employer Tips for Hiring Veteran’s with Disabilities
The following information is from the ADA National Network: (2017) with permission to reproduce and distribute freely. The employment rate of veterans with disabilities is significantly lower than that of veterans without disabilities. There are two different measurements of disability for veterans in the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS)
Powered by Ability
One man's story of struggling to be seen by his ability, and not by his wheelchair. His desire for more (dis)ability implementation in DEI strategies.
Assistive Technology
There are many misconceptions or misperceptions about the capabilities of people with disabilities. This makes finding gainful employment for those living with a disability, a daunting challenge. Thankfully, awareness is growing about the assistive technology used by people with various physical or intellectual challenges, opening up more doors to success for those with disabilities.