National Disability Employment Awareness Month
written by Work to Include Coalition
October is National Disability Awareness Month. A time to recognize the contributions of talent with disabilities and increase employer awareness about the benefits of hiring individuals. National Disability Awareness Month (NDEAM) dates back to 1945 when Congress declared the first week in October "National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week." NDEAM is held each October to commemorate the many and varied contributions of people with disabilities to America’s workplaces and economy.
We've come a long way since NDEAM was first observed 76 years and today we recognize that accessibility is the key to increasing opportunity.
Work to Include developed its first ever employer campaign during NDEAM in 2020. WTI Team Leaders, people with disabilities from across the state, led the effort to develop materials and resources for local employers. The Employer Toolkit housed on the Work to Include provides business with recommendations and resources in several areas including: Hiring practices, Accessing talent, Accommodations, Employee record systems, Employment law and more. In addition, WTI designed promotional material including posters, press releases, public service announcements, billboards and more.
This year our theme for the month is Everyone Wins When Everyone is IN. We have customized materials to different WTI Teams but all are available on our website for ANY community to use. Additionally, on the website you can find a webinar that discusses the campaign and the success of the Fort Wayne Team to help guide your activities.