Job Seeker
Access to affordable and reliable transportation allows people with disabilities important opportunities in education, employment, healthcare, housing, and participation in community life. This is one of the more difficult barriers to address. Many communities have come together to identify some strategies and promote new resources. Often the solution is found, one person at a time.
What’s Included
Resources, Services, & Supports
Indiana Disability Resources
A website to find services and supports and does include transportation
Transit Planning 4 All
A transportation planning project whose mission is to increase inclusion in transportation planning and services for people with disabilities and older adults.
Microsoft is often promoting innovative strategies for transportation and disability. For example, check out the article below.
US Administration on Community Living (ACL)
ACL supports the development of convenient, affordable, and accessible transportation options that enable people with disabilities, older adults, and caregivers to travel to work, volunteer, spend time with family and friends and enjoy entertainment, recreational and religious activities.
US Department of Transportation (DOT)
DOT is committed to doing everything possible to raise public awareness about accessibility in transportation, invest in new research, and incentivize the development and deployment of inclusive, affordable new transportation technologies.
Additional Resources
Association for Persons with Disability
AAPD works to ensure equal access to reliable, affordable transportation for people with disabilities by advocating for federal transportation investments that connect people with disabilities to employment opportunities, health care, education, and community.
We Will Ride Campaign
Founded by leaders in the disability rights movement to ensure that the coming transportation revolution of autonomous vehicles reaches its potential to serve all Americans.
Assessing the Unmet Transportation Needs of Americans with Disabilities
A report published by James des Cognets and Greg Rafert, Ph. D., of Analysis Group, Inc (AGI). AGI is an economic and financial analysis consultancy that constructs academic studies — AAPD commissioned this report from AGI to fill a gap in publicly available data on the need/demand for accessible vehicles.